Saturday, December 28, 2019

Castigo, multa y perdón por entrar ilegalmente a EE.UU.

Cuando una persona extranjera ingresa ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos està ¡ cometiendo un crimen –en la forma de falta o de felonà ­a, segà ºn el caso– y puede sufrir consecuencias migratorias, econà ³micas y legales a consecuencia de esa accià ³n.  ¿Quà © se considera ingreso ilegal a los Estados Unidos? En realidad, segà ºn las leyes migratorias se considera ingreso ilegal a Estados Unidos varias acciones, entre ellas: ingresar por cualquier punto de la frontera distinto a un puesto de control migratorio oficial.cruzar la frontera escondido en un vehà ­culo que sà ­ pasa por un control migratoriocruzar por un puesto migratorio utilizando una visa và ¡lida pero que se obtuvo mediante fraudecruzar utilizando visa, pasaporte o tarjeta de residencia falsosingresar con el documento de otra persona, como por ejemplo su pasaporte o cualquier otro.  ¿Cuà ¡l es el castigo y la multa por cruzar ilegalmente una sola vez? La primera vez que se cruza ilegalmente a Estados Unidos se està ¡ cometiendo un crimen en la categorà ­a de falta, conocido en inglà ©s como misdemeanor. Si el migrante es agarrado puede ser condenado al pago de una multa econà ³mica y/o a una posible condena de prisià ³n por un mà ¡ximo de 2 aà ±os.    ¿Deportacià ³n exprà ©s o deportacià ³n ordinaria? Ademà ¡s, si migrante que cruza ilegalmente y es agarrado en el intento o poco tiempo despuà ©s o cerca de la frontera puede ser objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata, tambià ©n conocida como deportacià ³n exprà ©s. En este caso, los migrantes reciben un castigo y no pueden regresar a EE.UU. por cinco aà ±os. Por otro lado, los migrantes que consiguen ingresar al paà ­s sin ser detenidos pueden ser arrestados posteriormente en cualquier momento. Tambià ©n puede iniciarse contra ellos un proceso ordinario de deportacià ³n, aà ºn cuando no cometan otros delitos y aà ºn cuando tengan hijos estadounidenses.  ¿Puede arreglar los papeles dentro de EE.UU. el migrante que ingresa ilegalmente migratorias? Cuando un migrante ingresa ilegalmente a EE.UU. està ¡ prà ¡cticamente cerrando todos los caminos para regularizar la situacià ³n desde dentro del paà ­s mediante un ajuste de estatus. Eso es asà ­ porque dicha persona se ha convertido en lo que se conoce como inadmisible en las leyes de Inmigracià ³n. Esto incluye a los casos de migrantes casados de buena fe con ciudadanos estadounidenses. Sin embargo, algunos caminos para arreglar la situacià ³n migratoria permanecen abiertos. Por ejemplo, asilo si se solicita antes de cumplir el aà ±o del ingreso. Otras posibles soluciones son  las visas U para và ­ctimas de violencia que cumplen requisitos estrictos, VAWA para và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica o casos como la visa T por trà ¡fico humano o el Programa de Inmigrantes Juveniles para menores de 21 aà ±os que han sido abusados y/o abandonados por sus padres. Ademà ¡s, actualmente està ¡n protegidos frente a la deportacià ³n los migrantes que ingresaron a EE.UU. siendo menores de 16 aà ±os y tienen aprobada una medida que se conoce como Accià ³n Diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asimismo, pueden obtener proteccià ³n frente a la deportacià ³n y obtener un permiso de trabajo mediante el programa Parole in Place los familiares de residentes permanentes y de ciudadanos que sirven en la actualidad en el Ejà ©rcito, en la Reserva Activa o son veteranos licenciados con honor. Finalmente, en los casos de proceso de deportacià ³n abiertos contra un migrante, siempre se puede solicitar uno de los posibles alivios para pararla, si se cumplen los requisitos para su aprobacià ³n.  ¿Se puede pedir perdà ³n por ingreso ilegal? No se puede pedir perdà ³n por haber ingresado ilegalmente a Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en algunos casos podrà ­a solicitarse un perdà ³n para regresar legalmente al paà ­s por castigos relacionados, de algà ºn modo, con dicho ingreso. Por ejemplo, por presencia ilegal en el paà ­s por un tiempo superior a 180 dà ­as en cumplimiento de la ley de castigo de los tres o de los 10 aà ±os y/o perdà ³n por haber recibido  una orden de deportacià ³n o remocià ³n. Los requisitos y procedimiento son distintos segà ºn se necesite solicitar el perdà ³n como paso previo para solicitar una visa no inmigrante como, por ejemplo, la de turista, o una visa inmigrante para ingresar a Estados Unidos y convertirse en residente permanente legal. Ingreso ilegal a EE.UU. 2 o mà ¡s veces y la prohibicià ³n permanente Las consecuencias civiles, penales y migratorias de ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos por una segunda vez o mà ¡s veces son mà ¡s graves que si solamente se ingresà ³ una vez. Y es que el ingreso por segunda vez puede llegar a ser calificado como un crimen con categorà ­a de felonà ­a. Ademà ¡s, se puede castigar al migrante con una multa econà ³mica de entre $50 a $250 dà ³lares, que se multiplica por 2 si previamente se castigà ³ a ese migrante con una multa por razà ³n de ingreso ilegal. Ademà ¡s, puede haber pena de cà ¡rcel, a entender de la siguiente manera: Las personas expulsadas o deportadas previamente de Estados Unidos por razà ³n de seguridad nacional, por ejemplo por pertenecer a pandillas, serà ¡n multados y/o condenados a prisià ³n por un mà ¡ximo de 10 aà ±os. Si tiene mà ¡s de una condena, deberà ¡ cumplirlas sucesivamente, es decir, no se permite la acumulacià ³n de condenas. Ademà ¡s, las personas expulsadas o deportadas de EE.UU. por 3 o mà ¡s faltas o por 1 delito si estos està ¡n relacionados con drogas o delitos contra las personas serà ¡n castigadas con multa y/o prisià ³n por un mà ¡ximo de 10 aà ±os. Por otro lado, las personas deportadas por un delito agravado pueden ser castigadas con multa y/o un mà ¡ximo de 20 aà ±os en prisià ³n. Ademà ¡s, en estos casos la re-entrada o intento es considerada por sà ­ mismo un delito agravado. Finalmente, las personas deportadas por una razà ³n no violenta pueden ser castigadas por un mà ¡ximo de 10 aà ±os de prisià ³n. Re-ingreso ilegal despuà ©s de deportacià ³n: prohibicià ³n permanente En dos casos se castiga al migrante con la penalidad de la prohibicià ³n permanente para regresar legalmente a EE.UU: Cuando una persona ha pasado mà ¡s de 1 aà ±o ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, todo el tiempo junto o de varias veces, despuà ©s sale y despuà ©s ingresa ilegalmente.Cuando una persona ha sido deportada de los Estados Unidos y re-ingresa o intenta re-ingresar ilegalmente. Esto quiere decir que en la mayorà ­a de los casos el migrante serà ¡ deportado y prà ¡cticamente nunca podrà ¡ ingresar a los Estados Unidos legalmente. Sin embargo, en casos excepcionales podrà ­a ser posible solicitar y obtener un perdà ³n para que se permita aplicar por una visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante si se califica para una. Si bien es siempre necesario vivir un mà ­nimo de 10 aà ±os fuera de los Estados Unidos antes de poder siquiera solicitar una autorizacià ³n para poder aplicar por la visa. La excepcià ³n de VAWA a la prohibicià ³n permanente Los migrantes con un castigo de prohibicià ³n permanente y que han conseguido volver a cruzar ilegalmente a EE.UU. no pueden, en la gran mayorà ­a de los casos, arreglar los papeles. Sin embargo, existen excepciones como algunas circunstancias de VAWA, para và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Todos estos casos son complejos y es recomendable contar con la asesorà ­a de un abogado migratorio con experiencia en estos temas.  ¿Cuà ¡l es el castigo por ingresar legalmente con visa pero quedarse ilegalmente? Ingresar con visa y quedarse ilegalmente mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado –overstay de la visa–, no es un delito. Sin embargo, sà ­ es una violacià ³n migratoria y puede dar lugar a la deportacià ³n del migrante. Ademà ¡s, en casos limitados pueden arreglar su situacià ³n sin salir de EE.UU. como en el caso de asilo, visa U para và ­ctimas de violencia o mediante ajuste de estatus por matrimonio con ciudadano estadounidense. Puntos clave: ingreso ilegal a EE.UU. Violacià ³n migratoria: ingresar legalmente pero quedarse ilegalmenteFalta (misdemeanor): ingresar ilegalmente 1 vezCrimen que puede ser llegado a calificar de felonà ­a: ingresar 2 o mà ¡s vecesProhibicià ³n permanente: Ingresar ilegalmente despuà ©s de deportacià ³n Fuente: [USC02] 8 USC 1182: Inadmissible Aliens, Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, December 20, 2019

John F. Kennedy The Right Answer Or The Democratic Answer

John F. Kennedy once proclaimed â€Å"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.† Bernie Sanders understands many of the same ideologies John F. Kennedy was loved for; Bernie is known to follow his views of solving problems and focusing in the future of America. He strongly believes America misuses a great deal of money and time on mass incarceration as well as misunderstood crime policies. While the money and time being use should be applied to a solution such as providing jobs and educating those who are more likely to be associated with incarceration in the future. Bernie Sanders is making a†¦show more content†¦Studies show crime rates have lowered because employment opportunities have expanded throughout the years, implicating the upsurge in income. The leading reason to why we have mass incarceration is because the long s entences assigned to each prisoner as well for sentence changing and growth of convictions. â€Å"The U.S releases about 600,000 prisoners each year. About two-thirds are arrested for a new crime within three years, and more than 75 percent are arrested within five years† (Huffington). It is typical to think these prisoners have not been properly rehabilitated if they are continuing the same behavior. Unfortunately the cycle continues because when they are released most prisoners find it difficult to accommodate their life’s too the law abiding population. Demographics have also been an extended complication to mass incarceration for instances when compared to ethnicity and upbringings. The probabilities of being incarcerated between blacks and Hispanics is much larger than whites and they could receive longer convictions. â€Å"It does not make sense for a nonviolent drug offender to be getting 20 years, 30 years, in some cases life, in prison,† â€Å"That’s not serving anybody† (Washington Post). President Obama mentioned this while he spoke to ex-offenders and listened to their stories. Although it seemed President Obama was touched by these ex-offenders who were given

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Research Methodology for Ethical Intention- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research Methodology for Ethical Intention. Answer: Essay Thesis statement-In this essay, the article related to organizational ethics, individual ethics and ethical intention in international decision making is critically analyzed. Introduction The article explores how Ethical Intention (EI) is affected by individual ethics (IE) and organizational ethics (OE). The ethical intention (EI) in the decision making process of international business is studied and results of the study has demonstrated that EI is influenced by both IE and OE. The findings of the study suggests that governance mechanism should be created in an organization to increase ethical congruence and thus managers of the organization will be more likely to make choices which are more ethical during the decision making process of the organization. Also the study shows that organizational ethics influence younger managers more than older managers (Elango et al 2010). Discussion The importance of corporate governance is of paramount importance for an organization. The organizations are directed and controlled by corporate governance and there is collaboration among the ethical norms of the organization and the responsibility of the organization towards stakeholders which helps in managerial decisions which are in alignment with ethics of the organization. The corporate governance of an organization helps in maintaining a positive ethical climate and organizational ethics and Individual ethics are studied simultaneously in the article. The study will demonstrate how ethical intention (EI) is affected by organizational and individual ethics and the findings of the research can be used to develop practices of business ethics in an organization to make the process of corporate governance (Dale and Latham 2015). The theoretical overview of the article suggests that there should be an alignment and congruence between the value of an individual and organizational values which is called person-organizational fit. According to Casmir (2013), the values of an organization are of prime importance for the practice of ethical behavior within an organization. Business is a part of society and thus every organization owe to all its stakeholders by following an ethical work culture and by practicing corporate governance. There is congruence between the ethical decision making and values within an organization. The cultural and organizational setting might influence individuals with similar values to make different choices of ethics while making decisions for an organization. The article suggests that organization culture, ethical practices and values are complex. According to Ciulla (2014), there are several factors that can affect ethical decision making in an organization like work climate, organizat ional climate, accountability practices of an organization. However, studying the ethical practices of an organization in terms of international context can be quite complex. The system of bribery is highly prevalent in the international market and thus managers often end up working unethically. Also the standards of ethical behavior in the host and home country do not match which lead to unethical behavior from managers. However, according to Crane and Matten (2016), the managers who stay abroad may not be able to resolve ethical issues because they feel distanced from the resources of the organization. The article suggest that managers who work in an international setting are vested with autonomous rights and the corporate governance, law and regulation are not strict enough in a distant location or within the cultural boundary of a different country(Trevino and Nelson 2016).The managers are also not scrutinized well by various stakeholders like the journalists; customers and inve stors and thus managers might deviate from ethical decision making. However, it can be argued that managers working in a distant location do not require constant monitoring for making decisions based on ethics. Individual ethics have a huge role to play here and if the internal values of the organization are in alignment with the values and culture of the organization, then managers do not need strict monitoring to make ethical decisions (Giacalone and Rosenfeld 2013). Research model and Hypothesis- The relationship between Individual Ethics (IE) and Organizational Ethics and how they affect the ethical behavior of respondents are studied in the article. The design of Valentine and Rittenburg is used as the research model of the article. The organizational ethics (OE) and the respondents own Individual Ethics (IE) are hypothesized to have an impact on the dependant variable of Ethical Intention EI). The controlled variables that are used in the article are gender, level of management experience and age. Three hypothesis are tested in the article which are Hypothesis 1- Ethical Intentional (EI) and Individual ethics are related positively. Hypothesis 2 states that ethical intention (EI) will be related positively to the perception of employee of high level of OE. The Hypothesis 3 suggests that age of the employee moderates the relationship between employees perception of OE and ethical intention (EI). There are several findings that are demonstrated in the article like younger ma nagers are subjected to higher risk-taking and manipulation which can lead to deviation from ethical behavior, but this is not often true. Age may not be a determining factor in ethical behavior as older managers may also practice unethical behavior. The sample subjects of the article are MBA graduate students of two major state Universities of the United States with 2 years of full time work experience. Stepwise hierarchical regression model are used to analyze the article (Michaelson et al 2014). Conclusion The limitation of the research article is related to the nature of the design. The decision making of managers in practice cant be surrogated by the executive MBA students with experience of work and international exposure. The classroom setting of the respondents is very different from the actual foreign setting and culture of an organization. There can be social response bias which is demonstrated by students. There are other variables like size of an organization, type of industry and degree of internationalization which are not considered in the article because the sample size of the article is very small. It can be concluded that ethical choices are made by an individual based on their individual values and values of the organization. Organizational practices and policies and norms set by leaders also influence the ethical choices made by an individual. Learning Log The topic for the literature search is the stakeholder theory under the broad topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Few articles and books will be explored to find out the details of stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory was introduced by freeman in the 1980s. This theory laid the foundation of the CSR, which is a very important activity of almost all the organizations. To find out more about this theory and CSR, many scholarly articles must be reviewed. To get the scholarly articles most easily, Google Scholar is the best source. All the authentic articles along with their citations are available in Google Scholar. The student has reviewed some scholarly articles. He has chosen the journals, which are ranked 4*, 4 and 3 in the ABS Academic Journal Guide. These articles have focused mainly on the stakeholder theory and corporate social responsibility. The articles were searched by using the key word Stakeholder Theory, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder values and Corporate Governance along with some journal names. It helps in more precise searching. Many articles have come up in the search list, but only those articles were considered for review, which were published in the ABS listed, ranked 4*, 4 and 3. This indicates the acceptability and high quality of the articles. This also adds more authenticity in the literature review. The year of publication has been taken from 2012 to 2017. This is so due to the more recent and upgraded research papers can elaborate the topic more precisely and can also provide new dimensions to the study. Once the article comes up in the search list, it is checked if the article is open to all. All the articles mentioned in this paper are very recently published journal articles, which are available through various online and university libraries. The first article, Stakeholder Theory, Value and Firm Performance, was written by Jeffrey S. Harrison and Andrew C. Wicks and published in Business Ethics Quarterly, in the year 2013. The journal is rated 4 in the ABS list. The authors addressed the complexity of stakeholder values and new methods of measuring it. Another article has been taken from the Journal of Management, ranked 4* in the ABS list. In this article, the authors, Herman Aguinis and Ante Glavas (2012), have explored 102 books and book chapters and 588 journal articles to demonstrate the multidisciplinary and multilevel theoretical framework for integrating the CSR actions and connection with stakeholder values. The other major articles are from the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies and International Journal of Management Reviews, ranked, 3, 4, and 3 respectively in the ABS list. The third article by Brown and Forster (2013) focuses on the moral prioritization of CSR and stakeholder theory. Th e other two articles also focused on different aspects of these theories. Siebels and zu Knyphausen?Aufse (2012) mentioned in their article about the role and place of the stakeholder theory and corporate governance in case of family business. This is a valuable concept in the business. George, McGahan and Prabhu (2012) have addressed the issue of inclusive growth through the above mentioned theories. Through the literature search and reviews, many aspects of the stakeholder theory were highlighted and its relation with the CSR has been explored. Different authors had different views on these topics, and those were reviewed by the student. It has been found that, these two are ethically related. However, if CSR needs to be maintained, the stakeholders value is reduced to some extent. H0: The organization is not profitable as the average profit per employee is less than the industry average profit. H1: The organization is profitable as the average profit per employee is more than the industry standard. P-value is the probability value of a statistical model, indicating the significance of the statistical model. This is calculated and interpreted to see if the null hypothesis is to be accepted or rejected. The critical p-value is held at 0.05 (say ). If the obtained p-value is greater than the critical value of 0.05, the model is statistically significant and null hypothesis is accepted. The opposite happens in case of p-value being less than the critical value. In this example, p-value under normal distribution is 0.405, which is greater than the critical p-value of 0.05. Thus, the statistical model is significant. It indicates to accept the null hypothesis. It is mentioned that there is no statistically significant difference between profit per employee (x) of the company and average industry profit (mean of x). But the problem of testing was based upon the assumption of the difference between the company average and industry average. H0: x mean(x) [The organization is not profitable as the average profit per employee is less than the industry average profit] H1: x mean(x) [The organization is profitable as the average profit per employee is more than the industry standard] We are required to find out p x when {x-mean(x)} = 0 Since there is no difference between x and mean(x) and that makes x = mean(x) then the hypothesis testing would not function or the interpretation would not be appropriate. In this situation probability would be zero that signifies impossible event. In case of test result giving the p-value as 0.032 at significance level of 0.01, then it could be said that, the p-value is less than the critical value of 0.05. Hence, at 5% level of significance, the statistical model is insignificant. However, the model is significant at 1% level of significance. Therefore, at 5% level of significance, the null hypothesis is accepted but, at 1% level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected. If H0 i.e. null hypothesis is rejected even if it was true, then an error occurs. This is known as Type I error. The type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected, even if it is true. The assumptions are that the data are normally distributed, the simple random sampling is used, large sample size is chosen and the data is homogenous. References Aguinis, H. and Glavas, A., 2012. What we know and dont know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda.Journal of management,38(4), pp.932-968. Brown, J.A. and Forster, W.R., 2013. CSR and stakeholder theory: A tale of Adam Smith.Journal of business ethics,112(2), pp.301-312. Casmir, F.L. ed., 2013.Ethics in intercultural and international communication. Routledge. Ciulla, J.B. ed., 2014.Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO. Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Dale, K. and Latham, Y., 2015. Ethics and entangled embodiment: Bodiesmaterialitiesorganization.Organization,22(2), pp.166-182. Elango, B., Paul, K., Kundu, S.K. and Paudel, S.K., 2010. Organizational ethics, individual ethics, and ethical intentions in international decision-making.Journal of Business Ethics,97(4), pp.543-561. George, G., McGahan, A.M. and Prabhu, J., 2012. Innovation for inclusive growth: Towards a theoretical framework and a research agenda.Journal of management studies,49(4), pp.661-683. Giacalone, R.A. and Rosenfeld, P. eds., 2013.Impression management in the organization. Psychology Press. Harrison, J.S. and Wicks, A.C., 2013. Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance.Business ethics quarterly,23(1), pp.97-124. Michaelson, C., Pratt, M.G., Grant, A.M. and Dunn, C.P., 2014. Meaningful work: Connecting business ethics and organization studies.Journal of Business Ethics,121(1), pp.77-90. Siebels, J.F. and zu Knyphausen?Aufse, D., 2012. A review of theory in family business research: The implications for corporate governance.International Journal of Management Reviews,14(3), pp.280-304. Trevino, L.K. and Nelson, K.A., 2016.Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley Sons.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Alexis de Tocquevilles Influence Essay Example For Students

Alexis de Tocqueville?s Influence Essay Alexis de Tocquevilles InfluenceAlexis de Tocquevilles observation of the American prison system brought out several interesting facts about America and how it governs itself. He talks of the danger of greed for money, the importance of forming associations, and the power of influence in town government. Although many of his observations have since changed, many of them bring about legitimate points about American government and society. In de Tocquevilles book Democracy in America, he is quoted as saying, I know of no other country where love of money has such a grip on mens hearts or where stronger scorn is expressed for the theory of permanent equality of property. In my opinion, he is pointing out that mans greed for money is what will possibly tear our society apart. This point has somewhat proven itself in the way that so many men, and now women, are willing to do almost anything to gain a dollar, even if it means using immoral and hurtful ways to do so. In talking about the importance of forming associations in America, de Tocqueville says, Americans of all ages, all stations of life, and all types of disposition are forever forming associationsIn democratic countries knowledge of how to combine is the mother of all other forms of knowledge; on its progress depends that of all the others. My belief is that he is saying that although forming associations in all aspects of life is a positive thing, the country w ill never be successful unless they learn to work together with one another in order to make everything work as one big system. I believe we have been successful as a country in doing this. We have learned that we must rely on one another in order to meet all of our needs to the best of our own abilities. de Tocqueville also points out how powerful personal influence can be in town government. Consider his quote, In towns it is impossible to prevent men from assembling, getting excited together and forming sudden passionate resolves. Towns are like great meeting houses with all the inhabitants as members. In them the people wield immense influence over their magistrates and often carry their desires into execution without intermediaries. He is pointing out that local government will almost always find ways to get around larger government because of the immediate interest of residents. In reality, it is the people that run the government because they have the ability to remove elected representatives if they arent getting things done the way the people want. The problem is, many people fail to realize this fact and just dont vote. The want to blame the problems of the country on the elected officials although they are the ones that did, or in some cases, did not, vote for the person wh o will make the voice of the people heard. I think overall, de Tocquevilles view of America was right on key with many of my personal views. I agree that greed for money is ruining America. I also agree on the importance of the combination of associations for maximum productivity as a nation. I believe his view on the power of local government is accurate. Obviously his observations about the differences in the roles of men and women have changed since his findings. Being that we as a country are still reviewing his findings, tells me that there is a lot of valuable information in his outside view of how we operate in America. RESOURCESwww.tocqueville.orgDemocracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

Thursday, November 28, 2019

ESRM 100 Test 1 Essay Example

ESRM 100 Test 1 Paper How much has the population increased in the last 35 years? from 2.5 to 6.6 billion(more than doubled) Sustainability Use it, but dont use it up Carrying Capacity Maximum number of individuals of a species that can be sustained by a population by an environment over a long term Gaia Hypothesis global environment has been profoundly changed by life throughout the history of life on Earth, and that these changes have improved the chances that life on Earth will continue Principle of Environmental Unity Everything affects everything else Environmental Science Group of sciences that explain how life on earth is sustained, what leads to environmental problems, and how theyre solved. Ulitarian Justification Ecological Justification Aesthetic Justification Moral Justification 1 Economic/Survival 2 Value larger life suport functions of the environment We will write a custom essay sample on ESRM 100 Test 1 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on ESRM 100 Test 1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on ESRM 100 Test 1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 3 Beauty 4 Ones view of right and wrong System Set of parts that function together to act as a whole Things we need to understand to effectively manage natural systems Types of disturbances and changes that are likely to occur The time period which changes occur The importance of each change to the long-term productivity of the system Biota Biosphere 1)All living things within a given area 2)Region of earth where life exists Ecosystem A community of organisms and their local nonliving environment in which matter cycles and energy flows Ecological footprint the total area each person requires based on the resources used and the waste produced We may be consuming about 20% more of Earths biological productivity than is replaced each year Age structure proportion of the population in each age group Limiting factors to population growthshort-term intermediate termlong term 1) drought, energy supply, disease 2)desertification, pollutants,disruption of supply of unrenewable resources3) soil erosion, climate change, ground water Ways to create zero population growth Raising the first childbearing agesocial pressures to delay marriagebirth control and family planning Factors affecting carrying capacity food supplyland and soul resourcesWater resourcesPopulation densityTechnology Biochemical Cycle complete path a chemical takes through the earths four major reservoirs What are the earths four major reservoirs? atmospherehydrospherelithosphere(rocks and soils)biosphere(plants and animals) Flux amount that moves between sinks and sources How many elements are required for life? 24 Geological cycle Formation and change of Earths materials through physical,chemical and biological processes Consists of four sub-cycles -tectonic, hydrologic, rock, biogeochemical How much do plates move a year 1-12 inches a year What leads to plate movements? convection currents in earths mantle Tectonic subduction one plate being pulled under another Where is the earths water? 97% in the oceans, 2% in glaciers, 1% as landwater or atmosphere Drainage basin area contributing runoff to a stream or river How much of the earths water is freshwater? 2.4% What % of the earths atmosphere is nitrogen 80% Nitrogen fixation converts nitrogen to ammonia/nitrate Types of symbionts obligate symbionts absolutely necessaryfacultative symbionts helpful but not essential habitatniche habitat where it livesniche what it does for a living oldest fossils 3.5 billion years old ecosystem individuals of various species and their nonliving environment Ecosystems have 3 fundamentals characteristics structure(living and non living), proccesses and change gross production producing organic matter within the body net production storing some of the newly produced organic matter for future use what % of the land surface is occupied by agriculture 12% Biological diversity wealth of species that live on earth What four processes lead to evolution mutation, genetic drift, natural selection, migration Gene chemical information for a single characteristic genotype genetic makeup of an invidual or group Divergent Evolution single species evolving into two Ways in which extinction is caused hunting/harvestingdisrupting/destroying habitatsintroducing exotic speciespollution primary successionsecondary succession 1) initial establishment and development of an ecosystem where one did not exist2)reestablishment of an ecosystem following disturbances

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is Discipleship Essay Example

What is Discipleship Essay Example What is Discipleship Essay What is Discipleship Essay When most people hear the word disciple, they immediately think of the twelve disciples of Jesus, which is, in a way, correct. A disciple is someone who follows another, Jesus in this case, physically and spiritually. I think there are five factors that are crucial to be a true disciple and in through these discipleship can be summed up; to heal, to teach, to preach, to believe and to serve. Jesus called his first four disciples one day when he was walking by Galilee. He saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and he said to them: Come with me and I will make you fishers of men. Simon Peter and Andrew immediately left their boats and followed him. Later on he saw James and John by the lake also and told them to follow him too and they did so. The calling of the first four disciples shows straight away that Jesus had not come for those who were highest in society or those who had the most authority, but for everyone. Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John were only simple fishermen and yet Jesus has chosen them as his disciples to give up what they had to follow him. Next came the call of Levi. Levi was a tax gatherer. Tax gatherers were generally seen as dishonest and were disliked by society but still Jesus called him to be a disciple and Levi got up and followed him. This shows that Jesus was willing to forgive those who wanted forgiveness and that we would exclude nobody if they were willing to repent of their sins. One day, Jesus sent the twelve disciples out on a mission to preach and to heal, and he gave them authority over evil spirits. This mission is a good example of the disciples healing others. Their healings of others showed their faith, because they could not have healed without faith. By giving them such a responsibility this also showed that Jesus had faith in them. They followed Jesus instructions and by healing all those that asked to be healed. Jesus taught that to be a true disciple, you have to make sacrifices. This is displayed in the Bible when a rich man asks Jesus what he must do to win eternal life and Jesus tells him he must sell everything he has and give to the poor before he can have riches in heaven. At this the rich mans face falls. The rich man could never be a true disciple as although he was a good person he would always worry about his money more than God. Discipleship is all about priorities. Jesus taught that to become a disciple you must make yourself last and servant of all and God should be your first priority. You should always honour and respect God, and be obedient and respond to his call. You should put nothing else before God. This links on to the aspect of serving. To be a disciple, you must serve God not only directly but also indirectly by serving other. Jesus says in the Bible: Anything you do for one of these men here, you do for me. He was trying to show that helping other people and putting them before you plays an important part in serving God. This can sometimes be extremely hard. For example, if you were with one other person in a sinking boat and there is one life jacket, a disciple should offer it to the other person. As Jesus said, the last person in earth will be the first in the Kingdom of God. To be first in heaven you need to put everyone else before you on earth. Another large part of discipleship is obviously faith, as you cannot follow someone unless you have faith in them. Sometimes, the first twelve disciples faith in Jesus wavered, for example, when they were fishing and a huge storm arose. Jesus was asleep in the boat so they woke him, frightened of what might happen as the storm was so strong. Jesus told the storm to be still and asked the disciples Have you still no faith?. The disciples had not thought as Jesus wanted them to. If their faith in Jesus was really as deep as they thought it was, they would not have worried and would have realised that Jesus would not have let the storm harm them. This shows that they had not fully realised who Jesus was. Faith is important, because it comes from the inside and it cannot be shown wholly in actions. Whether you have faith is a more personal, individual feeling and its something you have to confirm in yourself to be a true disciple. Once you have faith and understanding, you should follow by preaching to others and teaching them of your faith. The way that Christianity spread was through preaching and a disciple should preach what they follow in order to spread their faith. A true disciple would truly want to spread the word of what they believe and to turn others to their faith. The Gospels are full of teachings on these things. Jesus shows in many ways eg. Through parables, how true disciples of God should act and what they should truly believe . They should always be prepared to follow Jesus in thought, word and deed. Evaluation In some ways, it is a lot harder to be a true disciple in the modern world, but I do think it is possible. An obvious way in which it was harder for the first Christians was that it was illegal then, so they faced not only persecution but also often torture or death. This does still sometimes happen in a few countries across the world, but in most parts of the world, Christianity is widely accepted. Nowadays in the Western World, although Christianity is not outlawed, Christians can still be emotionally hurt by people laughing at them for their beliefs or persecuting them for their faith. For example, if there was a Christian person amongst a group of non-Christian friends, it could be hard for them to keep following their faith because of pressure from their friends. Another problem a person may have trying to be a true disciple in todays world is, like the rich man, getting his or her priorities right. We live in a materialistic, consumer-orientated world, where most are obsessed with material objects and luxuries. With so much commercialism surrounding us it is hard for a disciple to remember that serving God should always be put first and foremost. This should be prioritised over clothes, money and work. As possessions and material objects seem so important today, it would be hard to give it all up in order to follow your faith. Still, through the difficulties they face, I think if a person really believes they want to stay a true disciple, its not impossible. Many of the controversial issues around today were indeed still relevant for the first Christians. They were too persecuted and faced with temptation . However, today Christians have Jesus teachings in the New Testament, and those who are truly dedicated Christians should be able to use this at times of weakness for guidance and support. Those who are willing still should be able to follow Jesus in todays world and be a true disciple.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

WTO (world trade organization) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WTO (world trade organization) - Research Paper Example Hence, the origin dates back almost a century ago. The mother of WTO was General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). GATT offered some basic trade rules for member countries. However, with time it grew to an influential economic powerhouse. The aim of GATT was to have efficient trade rules to have a stable and predictable world trade. As a result, under GATT there was a reduction of tariffs and formidable trade rules. The initial members were twenty-three countries that were known as Contracting Parties (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). The members met in every six moths to negotiate on various issues of trade affecting member countries. Moreover, larger negotiating sessions â€Å"rounds† were held to deal with emerging issues (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). The body grew over the years. In the growth, there were more issues as well as greater responsibility. Moreover, reductions of tariffs in this period forced countries to divert their attention to addressing non-tariff trade barriers that were affecting the world trade. After this period, there were several rounds held. The most significant of the rounds was the Uruguay round. The round led to the birth of an organization that covered expanded issue of trade (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). In this round, over 120 countries took place (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). It was claimed to be the most significant trade negotiations to have happened. The result of the negotiations was formally approved in Marrakesh, morocco on 15 April 1994 (Ministry of Commerce and Industries 1). The approval led to the birth of WTO. There are various functions of WTO. The significant function is to negotiate for the reduction of barriers to trade and agree on principles of operation of the international trade (World Trade Organization (WTO) 1). Secondly, the organization plays a key role in reviewing of policies relating to trade. It